World Map of SHIP Suppliers: High visibility for 82 companies

The World Map of Solar Thermal Process Heat Turnkey Suppliers is updated. The related survey among around 80 turnkey SHIP suppliers worldwide was supported by Solar Payback and carried out by the German consultancy solrico.
The SHIP Supplier World Map lists 64 companies with the number of SHIP reference projects they realised by the end of 2018. In total the listed companies realised 606 SHIP plants, thus the world map is the most comprehensive database of the solar industrial heat market. Additionally, the world map includes 18 ready-to-offer suppliers that have not realised a SHIP reference system yet, but have experiences with large-scale solar thermal systems for public and private customers. The map is available in Spanish and Portuguese as well.
You find a comprehensive assessment of this global SHIP supplier survey in this news. Read also more about the assessment of heat supply contracts among the SHIP suppliers.
The results of the SHIP survey reach a high visibility, since they are quoted in two of the most recognised reports: Solar Heat Worldwide 2019 and Global Status Report Renewables 2019 published on 18 June.
We also would like to draw your attention to the SHIP Photo Gallery on It includes now 67 photos which can be published free of charge if the copyright owner is mentioned. The aim is to enable journalists, editors and researchers to download attractive photos for illustrating their SHIP-related publications or presentations. Contact us via, if you want to contribute additional project photos.