SHIP training course material available for download

The SHIP training in São Paulo from November 12 to 14 was appreciated by the participating experts. Almost 40 engineers, planers and industry representatives followed the three days course held by the two solar experts from the German Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Pedro Horta and Fanny Hübner. “Excellent initiative and organisation and highly qualified trainers”, lauded Eduardo Kami from Petrobras, one of the largest oil and gas suppliers in Brazil. The workshop was jointly organised by the local Solar Payback partners, the German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the national solar thermal industry association ABRASOL. Photos: Natália Chaves
“The workshop has expanded the horizon in terms of solar heat applications,” emphasized Fagner Fontini from the company Rinnai Brasil Tecnologia de Aquecimento at the end of the training. Carlos Alencar from the board of directors of ABRASOL congratulated the trainers and appreciated the presence of representatives of the State Industry Centre of São Paulo (CIESP) during the workshop who showed interest in further discussion the strategic importance of energy efficiency and SHIP for the manufacturing businesses in the region.The 3-days training included presentations about the following topics:
- Main components: Solar collectors, thermal storage and heat exchangers
- Thermal Energy Efficiency Audits
- Optimisation of solar process heat design via system simulation
- Investment Assessment of SHIP
- Technical Tendering
- Relevant commissioning procedures
The SHIP training material developed by Fraunhofer ISE is available for download in form of 12 English speaking pdfs below.
Technical visit of the solar test stand of the Building and Sanitation Facilities Laboratory (LIP) the day after the training.
Download the training material:
- Solar Payback project: ISE_TrainTrainer Brazil_M0-a_Solar_Payback_project_presentation
- Welcome: ISE_TrainTrainer_Brazil_M0-b_Welcome
- Introduction: ISE_TrainTrainer_Brazil_M1_Introduction
- System components: ISE-TrainTrainer_Brazil_M2_System_Components
- Energy efficiency: ISE_TrainTrainer_Brazil_M3_Energy_efficiency
- Insitu measurements: ISE_TrainTrainer_Brazil_M4_Insitu_measurements
- Pinch Analysis: ISE_TrainTrainer_Brazil_M5_Pinch_Analysis
- Pinch Einstein: ISE_TrainTrainer_Brazil_M5-b_Pinch_EINSTEIN
- Desgin principles: ISE-TrainTrainer_Brazil_M6_Design_Principles
- System simulation: ISE-TrainTrainer__Brazil_M7_System_Simulation
- Tendering commissioning: ISE_TrainTrainer_Brazil_M8_Tendering_Commissioning
- Economic assessment: ISE_TrainTrainer_Brazil_M9_Economic_Assessment