Country-specific infocharts

For Brazil in Portuguese and English

Brazil: Final end energy consumtion particularly in the industrial sector (english)
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For South Africa and India in English

South Africa: Breakdown of calculated steam demand for selected industries
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For Mexico in Spanish

SHS Mexico7
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For global in English, Spanish and Portuguese

Process Heating (english)
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Success stories


Promoting solar industrial heat in Mexico: A film crew from Germany produced a 5-minute video on Mexico’s market for industrial solar heat. The video, which is available in English, German and Spanish, includes a visit to parabolic trough collector manufacturer Inventive Power and a dairy that is using the manufacturer’s technology.


Branding sustentable para la industria con energía solarFortaleciendo la industria en México con calor solarEnergía solar: seguridad energética y sustentabilidad para la industria mexicana
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Branding sustentable para la industria con energía solar
Speakers: Angélica Quiñones (ANES), Kira Potowski (CAMEXA), Marisol Oropeza (solrico) | Date: September 30, 2020 | Language: Spanish


SPB México Testimonio Curfimex Casolar
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Videos for industries (Spanish)

Video Industria AlimentariaVideo Industria FarmacéuticaVideo Industria Textil
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Video Industria Alimentaria

SHIP Tutorial videos

Brewing with the sun (English)Tea leaves drying with the sun (English)Green milk: solar heat in dairy processes (English)Wear the sun: solar heat in the textile industry (English)Hycool: industrial solar cooling solution (English)Introduction of concentrating industrial heat systems (Spanish)
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Brewing with the sun (English)
(Source: Absolicon Solar Collectors, Sweden)