
Construction of new demonstration plants / optimization of existing SHIP systems

  • One demonstration plant per country
  • Elaborate screening and subsequent selection process (3 stages)
  • Financial support through IKI Solarpayback

Detailed Procedure

  1. Screening of a maximum of 10 potential industry candidates in South Africa, Mexico and Brazil. In India the process is similar except the aim is the refurbishment of an existing solar system, so the candidate companies must already have a solar system with potential for refurbishment .
    1st level screening: feasibility based on process/plant data acquired by local partners in each country
  2. Pre-feasibility studies of 3 selected candidates in each country
    2nd level screening: performance analysis
  3. Identification and building up of one reference project in each country
    3rd level screening: selection of demonstration plant based on technical feasibility and impact and building up the plant after a tender process
  4. Monitoring of demonstration plants
    New installations: monitoring of processes for comprehensive concept development → optimized integration, operation and financial model
  5. Performance analysis and evaluation of each reference project
    Technical-economic assessment based on monitoring data

Selection and Ranking Criteria

Aiming a full-fledged impact of the demonstration activities

  • Tackling a relevant industrial branch in the country’s economy in order to increase the potential impacts in terms of market dimension and further potential applications
  • Engaging an industrial end-user with a good reputation in order to maximize the impacts of dissemination within the branch and among political and public target audiences
  • Selecting suitable candidates, presenting a current energy production and consumption framework prone to viable investments in Solar Process Heat (including possible future exploitation of waste heat recovery potential)

Required Information

You have a production facility in South Africa, Mexico and Brazil and you are interested in a 1st level screening, you can contact info@solarpayback.com and be ready to provide the following information regarding your company:

Information influencing the ranking of canditates

  • Identification and description of the candidate company and its market
  • Description of existing energy consuming processes
  • Identification of current energy sources, energy production systems and energy production costs