for Brazil in Portuguese and English Brazil: Final end energy consumtion particularly in the industrial sector (english) Brazil: Final end energy consumtion particularly in the industrial sector (portuguese) Share of different temperature levels in the heat demand of various industrial sectors (english) Share of different temperature levels in the heat demand of various industrial sectors (portuguese) Collector temperature ranges, applications and technologies (english) Collector temperature ranges, applications and technologies (portuguese) Solar Process Heat Technologies (english) Solar Process Heat Technologies (portuguese) Brazil: The top 10 states in terms f business volume in the four systems for SHIP (english) Brazil: The top 10 states in terms f business volume in the four systems for SHIP (portuguese) Brazil: Number of companies in each SHIP-relevant sector and the average turnover (english) Brazil: Number of companies in each SHIP-relevant sector and the average turnover (portuguese) Brazil: Heat demand inselected industry sectors (english) Brazil: Heat demand inselected industry sectors (portuguese) Brazil: Final energy consumption in ktoe (english) Brazil: Final energy consumption in ktoe (portuguese) Brazil: Final energy demand of industrial sector in ktoe (english) Brazil: Final energy demand of industrial sector in ktoe (portuguese) Brazi: Energy sources to meet industrial heat demand in ktoe (english) Brazil: Energy sources to meet heat demand in SHIP-relevant industries (english) SHIP world market (1) Brazil: Energy sources to meet industrial heat demand in ktoe (portuguese) Brazil: Energy sources to meet heat demand in SHIP-relevant industries (portuguese) SHIP world market Quatro Razoes para Energia Thermossolar Reason for solar heat Negócios-nos-10-estados-mais-poderosos-economicamente SHIP relevant industries Technical potential of SHIP Estudo-de-Cálculo « ‹ of 2 › »