A platform for country-specific expertise on SHIP

The proven Train the Trainer concept made an online stop in South Africa at the beginning of the year. In a two-day online workshop, participants were invited to deepen their knowledge in the field of Solar Heat for Industrial Processes and to exchange ideas with energy experts.
Screenshot: Solar Payback
Once again, the Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energy Systems (ISE) and the coordinator, German Solar Association BSW-Solar had invited to the workshop. The experts of Fraunhofer ISE Fanny Hübner, researcher on system modelling and simulation and techno-economic assessment of solar process heat, and Wolfgang Kramer, head of department thermal storage and service life analysis, informed in profound presentations about the entire spectrum of SHIP.
In the online talk they answered the questions of the 35 participants, mainly energy consultants, and fostered a lively exchange of knowledge.
They were supported by the local experts Peter Klein of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Karen Surridge as representative of South African National Energy Development Institute (Sanedi) . Klein, research engineer at CSIR, spoke about solar process heat in the South African context. Surridge, manager of the renewable energy centre of research and development at Sanedi, introduced larger South African solar thermal installations and demonstrated the potential of SHIP in the country.
Workshop participants emphasised the special suitability of SHIP for the needs of South African industry. In addition to the need to create awareness of the technology given South Africa’s abundant sunlight that can be harvested the need to achieve a change of mindset among financial institutions was seen.
Attendees considered the calculation of the investment costs to be particularly helpful and suggested that ROI reports should be shared to get a better idea on how projects performed. All in all, they attested the workshop a balanced overview of the SHIP concept and commended the SPB online Calculator exercise which was explained step-by-step.
How relevant have been the presented topics for you?
The organisers gave a positive summary of the event and rated the feedback as encouraging. All topics covered seemed to have a significant relevance to the audience. The participants responded that their expectations have been met and approved the level as adequate.
How far have your expectations been met? How would you evaluate the overall niveau of the training
Graphics: Solar Payback
The online format was well received but also seen as challenging, especially regarding the time frame. There seems to be a wish to hold such trainings locally in future with personal contact and more time to deepen the knowledge.
The SHIP training material for South Africa developed by Fraunhofer ISE is available for download in form of English speaking pdfs:
- Potential of Solar Process Heat
ISE_IKI_SPB_M1_Potential of Solar Process Heat - Suitable Solar Technologies and Industrial Processes
ISE_IKI_SPB_M2_Suitable Solar Technologies and Industrial Processes - Main Components – Solar Collectors and Storage Systems
ISE_IKI_SPB_M3_Main Components Solar Collectors and Storage Systems - Feasibility Procedures
ISE_IKI_SPB_M5_Feasibility Procedures - Design Principles and and System Simulation
ISE_IKI_SPB_M6_Design Principles and System Simulation - Economic Assessment and SPB Online Calculator
ISE_IKI_SPB_M8_Economic Assessment and SPB Online Calculator - Karen Surridge (Sanedi): Success Story of SHIP in South Africa
SPB_Success Story of SHIP in South Africa