3-days SHIP Training in India in December

Designing industrial solar heat applications is challenging. That’s why Solar Payback offers a series of Train-the-Trainer Workshops to deepen the understanding of the engineering challenges of this technology among planners, engineers and instructors. After Brazil (see photo) the second training takes place in Pune, India, from 3 to 5th of December 2019. Registration is possible online through the following website: https://www.renac.de/projects/current-projects/solar-payback/
Photo : AHK Brazil
The 3-days training includes presentations about the following topcis:
- Main components: Solar collectors, thermal storage and heat exchangers
- Thermal Energy Efficiency Audits
- Visit of test facility at the University of Pune
- Optimisation of solar process heat design via system simulation
- Investment analysis: Financial KPIs like NPV, Payback period, LCOH etc.´
- Technical Tendering
- Relevant commissioning procedures
All workshops will be conducted by solar experts from the German Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Europe’s largest applied solar research institute.
Participation costs for the workshop, which include all materials, lunch, coffee / tea breaks for the duration of the workshop, will be covered by the Solar Payback program. However, participants are responsible for booking and paying their travel and accommodation expenses.
Find the detailed Workshop Program in the attached Flyer.